Gardening Services Application Software Engineering Project

This report documents the design of a cloud-based web application for the provision of gardening services. The application enables users to browse, book and pay gardeners in a user-friendly manner. The high-level objective in undertaking this Software Engineering group project was to undergo a true process of specifying, analysing, and proposing an appropriate design for the desired application.

The report begins by giving context to the project, by outlining the original problem statement and defining the project scope. Our utilisation of the UP methodology, and proper project management tools, is also discussed here. Following this, in a logical sequence, each key phase of the project is described, starting with the analysis and specification of requirements. Applying the MoSCoW prioritisation technique to these requirements served as a guide throughout, helping the team to focus on the most important elements, and use case analysis proved essential to defining the final set of requirements.

The technical implementation of these requirements is discussed in sections which follow, outlining the object-oriented analysis and design respectively. In undergoing each of these phases of analysis, and continuously refining and iterating, we developed a model of the final design solution. Based on that solution, a prototype was produced, which was tested and improved during a series of iterations. Conclusively, we present the final application mock-up, and discuss the UI aspects of this resulting design. The Software Engineering methods and techniques which were adhered to during this project are indicated throughout.

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